Day at Seashore Alone - Photos Taken With Moto Z Play

It's really beautiful to go and sit at seashore alone in the evening and much if better nobody else is there to enjoy the sea, Me with my Moto Z Play - Mobile Photography

When ever it is Happy, Sad or to enjoy with your friends, in the top list comes the Sea. If your house is near sea, it will be your first choice. Unfortunately my home is near the sea. So whenever I go to enjoy the sea my friends or family will be with me. If my friends love affair is broken I have to accompany him to the sea with other friends. But this time I was alone. That doesn't means I am fallen in love or have a broken heart. It was not a planned journey. I happened to visit there.
I reached there around 3.30 PM. The sun is not too hot but I can feel it. But the wind from sea taken the heat from me. It was not a beach, so I am the only person there to enjoy the beauty. But it was the feast time for crows and cranes(Gruidae). The seashore was full of cranes(Gruidae) and crows eating there food.
It was a good feeling to be alone at seashore to enjoy its beauty. I have taken some pictures from there with my Mobile (Moto Z Play). To post it here I have edited those pictures using Snapseed editing software. I have written about "How I edited using Snapseed" in a previous post. More pictures are given below.

Empty seashore
Then I found a Red boat on the seashore. Tried to take good pictures of it using my Moto Z Play

Again tested my photography skill using a smartphone. This one is my favorite among them

Small crab. It is difficult to take a picture of this small crab using mobile, because we have to be so much close to the crab since there is no optical zoom available in smartphone and the crab instantly hide in it's cave if it recognizes any movement
Prawn shells


  1. Wow! these images are cool. Good captures

  2. It's hard to recognize the crab from the sand. It's too small and impossible to take a picture that much close with a smartphone, How did you do that?

  3. The images looks professional. The third one looks amazing, that was my favorite one.



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VideoAdept: Day at Seashore Alone - Photos Taken With Moto Z Play
Day at Seashore Alone - Photos Taken With Moto Z Play
It's really beautiful to go and sit at seashore alone in the evening and much if better nobody else is there to enjoy the sea, Me with my Moto Z Play - Mobile Photography
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